Colier din noduri realizate din snururi textile, in nuantele unei paduri primavara. Accesorii de prindere argintii. Dimensiune ajustabila. Pret: 35 ron.
Necklace textile knotted cords, coloured like a forest in the spring. Size: adjustable. Price: 9 euros.
Bratara din snururi satinate colorate innodate, in nuantele unui camp in mijlocul verii. Accesorii de prindere argintii. Dimensiune ajustabila. Pret: 15 ron.
Bracelet made from satin cords with knots, coloured like a plane in the middle of the summer. Silver-like accesories. Size: adjustable. Price: 4 euros.
Colier din opturi orizontale, la baza gatului. Este realizat din snururi textile colorate si accesorii de prindere argintii. Este un colier frumos si complicat, ce arata foarte bine purtat cu o bluza usoara de vara. Dimensiuni: 35 cm. Pret: 30 ron.
Knitted necklace with an eight model, at the base of the neck. It is made with textil coloured cords and silver-like accessories. It is a beautiful and complicated necklace and it looks great with a summer outfit. Size: 35 cm. Price: 8 euros.
Cercei realizati din ata de bumbac cerata, impletiti in noduri celtice triunghiulare. Au accesori de prindere argintii. Dimensiune: 3 cm fiecare. Cost: 10 ron / pereche.
Earings made by cotton cords; the model: triangular celtic knots. Size: 3 cm each. Price: 2.50 euros / pair.
Cercei innodati din snururi satinate colorate si accesorii "antique". Lungime: 2.5 cm. Cost: 10 ron. La cerere, se pot realiza si din alte culori.
Knotted earings made from coloured satin cords and "antique" accesories. Lenght: 2.5 cm. Cost: 3 euro. Upon request, the colours of the satin cords may be changed.
Cercei innodati din snururi satinate colorate si accesorii argintii. Lungime: 2.5 cm. Cost: 10 ron. La cerere, se pot realiza si din alte culori.
Knotted earings made from coloured satin cords and silver-like accesories. Lenght: 2.5 cm. Cost: 3 euro. Upon request, the colours of the satin cords may be changed.
Cercei innodati din snururi satinate colorate si accesorii argintii. Lungime: 6 cm. Cost: 30 ron. La cerere, se pot realiza si din alte culori.
Knotted earings made from coloured satin cords and silver-like accesories. Lenght: 6 cm. Cost: 7 euro. Upon request, the colours of the satin cords may be changed.
Cercei innodati din snur cerat si accesorii argintii. Marime: 5 cm. Pandantiv innodat din snur cerat si accesorii argintii. Marime: 5 cm. Pret total: 20 ron.
Knotted earings made from wax cotton and silver-like accessories. Size: 5 cm. Knotted pendant made from wax cotton and silver-like accessories. Size: 5 cm. Total price: 5 euro